Doing Autoethnography



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Doing autoethnography

The author has argued elsewhere that individual identity is sufficiently worthy of research and more than just a deviant case. The representation of an individual’s story that contains one of society’s taboos appears to require legitimation of not only the text but also the method by which it is conveyed. This is particularly important if memory and its distortions appear to be critical feature...

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Autoethnography helps analyse emotions

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This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date...

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Affect Theory and Autoethnography in ordinary Information Systems

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عنوان ژورنال: International Journal of Qualitative Methods

سال: 2005

ISSN: 1609-4069,1609-4069

DOI: 10.1177/160940690500400105